Guidelines to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Solar Panel

14 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

One of the challenges that homeowners and commercial building managers face is improving their home's energy efficiency and minimizing costs. Most people take some measures to lower the energy bill, including heat insulation and turning off certain appliances during certain times of the day or night. However, these measures are not always effective in bringing down your power bill or helping you make your home greener.

Solar energy is one of the natural sources of power you can rely on to supplement your primary power source. It is freely occurring, and you only need to install panels to help harvest the energy. However, you need to follow the right installation and maintenance procedures if you want a successful solar panel installation. Here are the guidelines you may find useful.

Know Your Power Needs First

Solar panels come in many designs and sizes, and their price depends on the size and capacity. Different solar panel manufacturers also price their solar panels differently. Before installation, it is best to ask an installation professional to visit your premises and assess your power needs. This will help you decide the size and wattage of the solar panel best suited for your needs.

Inspect the Condition of Your Roof

The position, type, and condition of your roof will affect solar panel installation. For instance, if a roof slopes a certain way and that side does not receive sunshine, installing a solar panel where the sunshine is limited will be futile. Suppose there is no way to install the panel for optimum sunshine reception. In that case, the installation expert may recommend a solar panel model that is more sensitive to light, which will give you the same results as a smaller panel in a well-lit area.

Have a Professional Install It

A lot of people believe solar panel installation is a do it yourself project. While it might seem easy to place the panel on the roof and start getting power, a lot goes into the positioning and the wiring for optimum performance. Also, most solar panel companies have to handle the installation task for your warranty to remain valid. In this case, if you make the mistake of hiring people who are not certified to do the work, your warranty will be void.

These are simple tips and guidelines you can follow to supplement your home with better and green energy. All you need is to choose a reputable brand and hire a competent person to handle the installation.
